I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro.

My areas of research specialization are philosophy of law and philosophy of language.

Before coming to UNCG, I got my PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. And I spent four years teaching philosophy at San Quentin State Prison.

Before that, I did the MPhil at the University of Cambridge.

Before that, I was an undergraduate at Williams College and the University of Oxford.

I am also the founder and director of the UNCG Prison Education Program, which provides academic programming for people incarcerated at Federal Correctional Institution: Butner Medium II.

Here is my CV.

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Do you want to listen to me explain set theory for 28-minutes? Well, in a shocking turn of events, SIX MILLION PEOPLE have wanted to do just that!

I post many of my lecture videos on YouTube, and they have many millions of views!

It’s like I always say: the surest path to fame is a PhD in philosophy.

I was an expert panelist for this very well-done BBC World Service radio program about the life and work of Jeremy Bentham.

Also, I was interviewed on the legal studies podcast, Oral Argument, about my paper, "Attitude and the Normativity of Law." 
